16 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

I -1

I was drinking at my usual bar which is very close to my home. Every night after job I come to this bar and have some whiskey until I get mellow. People around me think that I’m an alcoholic but I know that I am not, because I can stop drinking at any time I wanted to stop, but I just don’t want to stop because drinking some whiskey is the most enjoyable thing in my boring life. This thing like apple juice fulfils me with joy of living. I know that this thing is damaging some of my organs and killing me slowly, but even the thing called time making us the same damage its killing us slowly too so why should I scare from dying and stop having fun every night. Also this bar helps me to find new friends and teaches me different types of personalities and shows me different kind of people. While I’m drinking my whiskey in the bar I usually have conversation with the guys inside the bar or hang to women’s but this happens very rare because usually you can’t find a woman in the bar so when I confronted with a situation like that I would not miss my chance and hang to that lady until I get a slap from her and I usually get a slap and sometimes it turns to fist, actually reactions of women changes with the alcohol dose in my blood. After getting little bit drunk I leave the bar and started to take the way to home. After I entered to home and changed my clothes -sometimes I can’t even do that changing- and I get into the bed to charge my battery. This is my life actually I done all of this program every day so I can know what I’m going to do after 5 or 6 years because nothing happens other than these things to me. I am living such a wonderful life actually because what kind of lucky person could know what is he going to the after 5 or 6 years! No one! No one other than me.

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